How to add another login

This new login can be used for the Gokonnect website and the app


Last Update 3 years ago

You can add multiple logins for your system and all these logins can have a varying level of control over your system. Follow the steps below to add a login to your system.

Note: The following steps must be done on the Gokonnect website. 

  1. Login into the Gokonnect website
  2. On the left hand side select users
  3. In the green banner at the top of the screen select manage logins
  4. Select add a login
  5. Enter the email address for the new login and enter a login name
  6. Click save
  7. After saving you can choose the level of control for this login

An email will be sent to the email address of the login, this is a get started email and will help the user to setu their password. After the password is setup the login is ready to be used.

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