Adding a New Doorbell Camera


Last Update 3 years ago

Note: If your doorbell has unpaired from your system you can also use this to add it back on. The doorbell only works on 2.4Ghz.

In the Customer app:

1.Tap the navigation bar icon

2.Tap Doorbell Camera

3.Tap + to begin the installation

4.Follow the on-screen instructions

5.When instructed, connect to the SkyBell Doorbell Camera’s temporary Wi-Fi Network

  • The syncing process instructs you to connect to the SkyBell Doorbell Camera’s temporary Wi-Fi network. The network is named Skybell_123456789 or SkybellHD_123456789 the number corresponds to the SkyBell Doorbell Camera's serial number. The SkyBell Doorbell Camera’s temporary Wi-Fi network is for the purpose of the installation process only and is not meant to provide Wi-Fi for internet access. During installation, there may be a message indicating that there is no Wi-Fi available, but this is expected. Dismiss the message and continue to stay connected to the SkyBell Doorbell Camera's temporary Wi-Fi during the installation process.

It is recommended to remain within six feet of the SkyBell Doorbell Camera throughout the entire enrolment process to ensure the mobile device and the SkyBell Doorbell Camera stay connected.

Note: If you do not see the Skybell network, verify the SkyBell Doorbell Camera is blinking green and red to indicate it is in AP mode. The Skybell Wi-Fi network only appears when the SkyBell Doorbell Camera is in AP mode.

To put the doorbell into AP mode press and hold the button on the doorbell until the LED is flashing green and red. Release the button when you see the green and red flashing LED.

The video below demonstrates the above process:

6.The app prompts you to select the Wi-Fi network that the SkyBell Doorbell Camera will be connected to.

7.When the Wi-Fi is selected, very carefully enter the Wi-Fi password.

8.Once the Wi-Fi password is entered, tap Next to complete the SkyBell Doorbell Camera configuration.

9. A percentage bar will load and when it reaches 100% the configuration is complete.

Once the SkyBell Doorbell Camera's configuration is complete, a Success message appears on the screen.

The video below demonstrates the above process:

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